Gprojector help
Gprojector help

gprojector help
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(This is required for the MBtiles world maps, too, if people want to put maps into non-standard locations in the file system.) all (other) maps can be downloaded as file to a smartphone directly or via a PC.

Gprojector help download#

app specific download automation for Locus and Orux for the MBTiles world maps only regional maps up to ZL 11 (all continents), 12 (large parts of Africa, Asia, Europe and North America) and 13 (differently sized segments of Europe and of North America like for ZL 12) in JPG 80% resp. world maps ZL 10 and 11 in PNG format as sqlitedb (for apps that cannot handle MBTiles) world maps ZL 8 to 11 in JPG 80% quality as MBTiles Then the OAM-W1-7/8- maps kick in: they deliver the zoom levels from 7/8 to its maximum level for the region(s) of interest, and ZL 1-7/8 for the whole planet. But why there are separate maps for ZL 11? Well, people may want to have the world up to ZL 8, 9 or 10 only. This is why regional maps are the only way for ZL 12/13. Beyond ZL 11 complete world maps would blow even most recent devices.

gprojector help

You will notice the tradeoff between maximum zoom level included and map file size. Hence please choose one of the OAM-World-1. Which map categories do I need from below?įollowing the main purpose of all those maps it's about covering the lower zoom levels with a meaningful map, where all vector maps miserably fail. In adition it saves a total of 8 GB across all mapsĬlick here for the history of release notes. In ZL 13 only 50m contours are shown, because with the finer lines the respective map parts were hardly readable.volcanos have a dark red marker and letters for easier recognition versus normal peaks beyond the highlighted ones) have a better readability and the letters have a brownish colour to distinguish them from settlements road numbers have a more intense colour for better readability The most obvious changes versus the earlier OAM world maps are: The base theme is now Tobias' current Elevate version 5.2, with my adjustments.The OAM background from ZL 8 up now is rendered from the March 2023 (Europe: April)edition of Christian's OAM vector maps.However, for those who are not interested in this additional level of details, I also created a version (with "min" added to the map name) that shows only the background maps up to zoom level 7, and above only the settlement and capital names on top of the OAM background.

Gprojector help Offline#

A sort of companion for Wikipedia, which is available offline as well, by Kiwix and Aard2, which I highly recommend. The intent behind all that is to have the essential map information available at your finger tip, fully OFFLINE.

  • In addition different types of power generation stations and energy sources are displayed as wind turbines in particular make excellent land/seamarks.
  • gprojector help

    This has been implemented with the help of Max' algorithm.

  • Triggered by an OAM forum discussion about visibility of peaks important peaks are now highlighted (see for ZL dependencies).
  • To remedy this, they are highlighted, from zoom level 3 and up.
  • Islands and archipelagos, in particular the remote ones, are hard to spot on maps.
  • Tobias' Elevate theme is using those tags for rendering.

    gprojector help

    They can be used by themes to appropriately render and also to select (restrict) the settlement names to be displayed. The population size categories are available in Christian's OAM maps as "popcat" tags. The size of the settlement labels increases by population, if provided in the OSM data set (hopefully correctly!), otherwise a minimum assumption is made for the categories city, town and village.The capitals of countries, states and provinces of many countries are shown in 3 different colours, in English and the local language (if significantly different).Hence I took explicit control (with quite some scripting) of the selected objects in the generation process of the world maps.Ĭurrently, this information is being processed in the following way: for settlements) is a real annoyance in the rendering tools available. What differentiates those maps from usual OSM renderings, and why? The potentially random display of labels (e.g. (See the help files provided by the respective apps.) Both apps are able to handle world maps, using very different mechanisms, however.

    Gprojector help install#

    And there are even apps for iOS that can handle the MBtiles format.Īs usual for OAM, buttons for fast install in Orux and Locus are provided. The world maps are in MBTiles format, which can be used by all major geo apps (some maps are offered as SQLiteDB, too, because OSMand does not handle MBtiles). The overview maps as raster maps are way faster here vector maps have their unique strengths for high level of detail in higher zoom levels. Please note that these maps are NO vector maps, as those cause massive performance issues at low zoom levels.

    Gprojector help update#

    Spring 2023: Update of OAM base maps and base theme (Rel.

    Gprojector help